Monday, September 15, 2014

Goats and Tyler

The love that Tyler has for his goats is so powerful that it may even seem weird or wrong. It all started one night with an animal that you wouldn't expect. Maybe even an animal that doesn't belong, the cat. As Tyler fondled that cat one October night, he realized his love for animals. He realized that animals could be his only friend for he was socially awkward to humans. The next day he found that cat's stray family and took them home. Tyler not realizing that the mother cat was pregnant was soon the owner to thirty kittens. He was so surprised that he couldn't love all of them that one day, he came to the decision of either keeping all of them and giving away his whole life, or keeping his life and giving away the kittens. Tyler had a tough decision to make. He took a walk one day down to the neighborhood petting zoo where he knew that he could think clearly looking over all of the animals for his love for them was great. He went to the very back of the zoo and saw an unbelievable scene that he could not think he would have seen going there. He entered the goat pen. He even passed by the kitten lot and didn't even think twice. He saw the two goats trotting around in circles and mud wrestling and he suddenly had the erge to join. The rest folks was history. Now tyler has a house by a tall cliff and owns 300,000 goats or as he likes to call them, his partners.

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